
The Half Bees - Look On The Bright Side

Coming together in our lovely city of Bellingham, The Half Bees have been steady on their way up playing gigs all about town and taking center stage in the local spotlight. These Gentlemen are well deserving of the attention, having just released their debut EP Look On The Bright Side. Within minutes of a first listen they prove a hunger for excellence, coming with an uninhibited sound fully equipped for drizzling their sweet nectar all over you. Yeah. You heard me.

Breaking through the whirlwind of trendy music supplied by a variety of indie pop groups and bearded men playing folk music, The Half Bees have managed to take me back to a time when the grunge music scene was thriving and the Northwest was it's primary breeding grounds. Even with such a small amuse-bouche sized taste of their capabilities, they have put me on the verge of excitement at a time when most everything was beginning to sound hopelessly alike.

Now I'll be the first to admit I may have somewhat a biased opinion, as I fully engage the fact that I love the NW and any music that comes out of it. Truth is, I'm damn near elated on having so many talented and like-minded individuals residing in this region, The Half Bees proving to be no exception. With Mike Lamb on lead guitar, Tony Massarelli on bass, Sean Dalgarn on drums, and Nathan Stephens on lead vocals, they collectively manage to catch the essence of an era.

The EP is five tracks long, starting off proper with a throbbing bass line provided by Tony Mas on the track Take Me There. Moving forward into Pterodactyl, they establish yet another catchy jump off as Nate quickly let's out a heavy wail, preparing you to move dangerously close to sweaty mosh pit material by the third track in, a fast paced, punk rock reminiscent joint titled Know Better. On Let's Pretend, a clear attempt is made to slow it down and keep a warm vibe, seamlessly leading you into the final track, Can We Be Friends in which they let you know that they not only like your shoes, but would also like to see you again. This might have been the best first date ever.

So while we all sit here anxiously by the phone, waiting to get asked out on that second date (fuck a 3-day rule, you are such a tease). You can always Look On The Bright Side for now and visit their bandcamp to download the entire EP for free. That's right, legitimately hooked up free for the people, not just Sarah made it free for you.

<a href="http://thehalfbees.bandcamp.com/album/look-on-the-bright-side">Take Me There by The Half Bees</a>