RA The Rugged Man Performs at a house party in Bellingham WA. ??
When I first heard RA The Rugged man was coming to Bellingham to perform at a house party I didn't believe it, I mean come on, RA ? In Bellingham ? At a house party ? naw.... But after some research I found out that a core group of friends had pitched in and were taking donations to make this happen and it was most definitely going down. I knew I had to go. The crowd was 75 strong and came to see a show. I setup a perch with my camera and caught this video. I hope that everyone who was unable to be there enjoys this video. RA in Bellingham really happened, and it was epic!!!

RA The Rugged Man Performing Lessons @ a house Party in Bellingham Wa. from Austin Santiago on Vimeo.

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